does not promote piracy and is strictly against online piracy. Piracy is an act of crime and is considered a severe offence under the Copyright Act of 1957. We understand and fully comply with the copyright acts/clauses and ensure we take all steps to comply with the Act. The above is the only information provided for the users’ knowledge purposes. We have only reviewed such piracy websites and made people aware of such websites and we have advised not to visit such websites. We only inform users about this piracy website. We do not encourage them to visit this site. We further request you to refrain from participating in or encouraging piracy in any form. We have shared legitimate websites with our audience. Our only purpose is to serve knowledge for users and we are not giving any kind of illegal movie or series downloading links in you can further go to our site and also check. We only promote legal platforms to users where they can pay and watch movies where the movies or series are released.